Simple solutions

In March, 2016, the State of North Carolina passed a “bathroom bill” that requires people to use public restrooms of their sex at birth and not the sex to which they identify. Although there was a great outcry from various community leaders and celebrities, the law remains in effect in North Carolina.

With the subsequent election of President Donald Trump, this situation has paled in light of other, more sinister decisions that are now being made in the USA. Apparently, several other states are also considering similar legislation.

Meanwhile, on a recent visit to Christchurch, New Zealand, I spotted these public washroom facilities in the downtown core. The signs say “Unisex Restroom”, and the doors are all colours of the rainbow. There is no need to have to make any choice here – other than finding one that is vacant!

This blog post is my contribution to Thursday Doors this week. Perhaps a bit out of the mainstream of submissions, but there is a message here.

Continuing on the topic of Thursday Doors, kudos to Norm Frampton on his February 2nd post regarding the recent murder of 6 people in a Muslim mosque in Quebec City. Doors on places of worship are left open to welcome anyone who wishes to enter. Doors do not discriminate but people do. Time to take a pause and think about all of the people who were affected by the events in Quebec.

Simple solutions

7 thoughts on “Simple solutions

  1. Colorful unisex restrooms works for me; politics is such potty business but why do we have to let politicians invade our private business! According to these ridiculous laws a parent of the opposite sex of their infant cannot take the infant into their designated restroom to change the baby or the baby might get a citation or even a prison term! Let’s make a law that says politicians cannot use any public restroom ever and see how they like it.


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